
Thank You for the Laughter and Sense of Fun

Denzil and I met long after he had left Channel Nine and I Channel Seven. I had known of him and his wonderful work at Channel Nine, but it was not until a mutual friend, Ken Tulloch, introduced us that my husband John and I met Den and Dot.

At that time I was presenting a radio programme on 3RPP and Denzil became a regular guest with me on that program. It was exciting for me to re-live the early days of television through Denzil’s eyes as he would recall humorous moments with Graham, Bert, Pattie, Pete and the other performers he produced and worked with.

Often he would produce a program for radio based on an incident in Australian History, written and acted by Den with all the characters portrayed by this versatile, talented actor.

His knowledge of the subject and his research ability always adding to the quality scripts and presentation.

He was a perfectionist when it came to producing a programme but whatever he did it always had the Howson humour and wit.

Thank you for the laughter and sense of fun you gave us.

I regret I did not work with Den in my youth but I’m so grateful to have had the privilege, in the autumn of his life to know, work and appreciate this talented gentlemen and scholar. You are always in our hearts Den.

Our sincere sympathy and love to Dot and their family.

Heather Pennell
(nee Horwood)

Heather Pennell appeared on radio 3RPP where Denzil became a regular guest.