The control room of Denzil’s home recording studio at Belgrave Road, constructed in 1955, featured the still novel technology of tape recording. The two machines seen here are Australian made Pyrox recorders, which Denzil would have encountered at the Argus Radio Network. The Pyroxes had a single record/replay head, so were not capable of off-tape monitoring. Neither was there any fast-forward (one had to reverse the reels and use rewind).
At the top of the rack is a superheterodyne short-wave receiver (like most of the equipment it was home-made) which connected to a long outdoor aerial, and could be used for receiving short-wave broadcasts from overseas.
Glass windows connected to the theatrette which doubled as the studio. Note the small home-made foldback mike mounted on the side of the rack. Like many of his pre-war generation, Denzil was resourceful in making things from materials at hand.